Dog Photo Upload for Dog ID 157787 (BARBARA ELEGANCE V.H. OPPERSTOK)
Upload photo files from your computer to be linked to this dog.
Please note:
  • A maximum of four photos are allowed per dog.
  • You must include your name and a confirming email address.
  • Arranging for public distribution of copyrighted photos is your responsibility. The Berner-Garde Foundation will not be responsible for paying royalty fees on photos.
  • The primary photo is the larger one initially shown on the dog detail page and is the one used on pedigrees.
  • Use "Other Instructions" if you want to replace an existing photo.
  • Please submit images in JPEG format (.jpg file) and at least 1000 pixels on the long edge.
  • Please visit our Database Policies page for more info on dog photos.
Additionally, please note that uploaded photo files will be reviewed by Berner-Garde before they are inserted into the database. The photo may also be cropped and resized to keep file sizes reasonable for storage and viewing.
Select file to upload:
Primary Photo: Check here to make this the primary photo.
Other Instructions:
Your Name:
Your Email Address: